The fine balancing beam
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Just the other day I made a choice to reject a TV show feature. Stupid perhaps but I felt a great sense of relieve from that decision. It was a project that had a crazy 2 week deadline and was expecting me to come up with so much content that would have easily taken months to prepare for. That and mixed with some indecisiveness on the producers, I decided to reject them flat and walk away. It wasn't a good choice given that the brand can definitely do with some publicity, but as a father and a husband I need to weight that against everything else. As it was, I am spending little time with the family, so i decided that they were more important. They are the reason why I am doing this, so why derail and get so sucked into all of the business? No way.
Recently I've picked up the skill of silicon mold making. If you've been following us on Instagram, I've been proudly posting pictures of some of these 'toys'. So different from what I've traditionally been doing but its really fun to visualize how a mold can come together and create something 3 dimensional. I've created a series of Star Wars figures and looking for more things to create!!
Peace out!
Concrete Everything Studio
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Dream | Seek | Make
A home for crafters, explorers, creators and anyone who simply loves beautiful crafts
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