Concrete Everything in reservist.
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I was away last week for my annual reservist to serve the nation (Yaye only 2 more to go!) and being back in camp brings me back to old friends. Friends say they noticed the brand, that they've seen it on various medias and it's great to know that people notice it and to hear from the ground. That the experiments, random ads I do has paid off. (And yes I'm no guru of social media and the likes) everything I do is by my simple motto: Just try.
Running Concrete Everything has been part passion and part investment (Yes it's my way of growing my assets too) And for the most part I've always learnt by trying. To my customers, you are always on my mind and I would go to lengths for my customers and I always hope to make friends out of each of you. I hope Concrete Everything continues for a long time, because it's been a really insightful journey for me and I hope it is to you as well. Cheers!
Concrete Everything Studio
About us
Dream | Seek | Make
A home for crafters, explorers, creators and anyone who simply loves beautiful crafts
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