Heading into the Unknown
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There's really something magical about having your own business, its so dynamic, encouraging and you see yourself growing so much more than an otherwise dead-end job. Just off my head let me list down some of the differences. This is of course my own personal opinion. I am sure there are plenty out there living their lives, enjoying their dream job as an employee. :)
Working World
Entrepreneur World
You answer to your boss.
You answer to yourself.
Take instructions.
Create your own paths.
Boss opinion is always better than yours.
You are your own opinion.
Credit is given if you are lucky.
Credit is to the one who made the decision (you).
You have nothing to lose, just cover backside.
You have your business to lose.
You enjoy some parts of the job if you are lucky. but most of it probably sucks.
You will love most part, and you can decide what you want to do with the hateful parts. |
8-8.5 hours | 24 hours |
Driven by contract | Driven by sheer passion and determination. |
paycheck | everything else |
and so here's a short quote to end this post. happy short week people!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
- Mark Twain
Concrete Everything Studio
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Dream | Seek | Make
A home for crafters, explorers, creators and anyone who simply loves beautiful crafts
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